SAP SAP CEO: Generative AI comes with a "30% premium" - could customise your on-prem deployments , and The Stack July 21, 2023
procurement Software spending plummets as CFOs batten down the hatches; SaaS firms hike prices , and The Stack July 20, 2023
Citrix Critical pre-auth RCE Citrix Gateway vulnerability is under active attack and looks bad , and The Stack July 18, 2023
Opinion Unleashing automation platforms to transform IT infrastructure management , and The Stack July 17, 2023
carbon emissions UK gov’t eyes £4 million GHG emissions software upgrade , and The Stack July 14, 2023
ransomware Ransomware payments in 2023 to hit $898.6 million as Big Game hunting returns with a vengeance , and The Stack July 13, 2023
MTTD Combating hacker dwell time: Why mean time to detect (MTTD) alone can’t be trusted , and The Stack July 13, 2023
patching Apple pushes urgent security fix for exploited zero day – then kills it after websites broke , and The Stack July 12, 2023
Bank of England Bank of England teases central counterparty data project , and The Stack July 10, 2023
certificates Why organisations can’t afford to wait on 90-day certificate rules , and The Stack July 6, 2023
cloud security Reimagining cloud-native security for developers and platform owners , and The Stack July 4, 2023