Business Verizon touts its power, land, fibre in AI drive -- partners with Vultr , and The Stack January 27, 2025
telcos Backdoors and all-powerful admins: Telcos plead a clean bill of health after Salt Typhoon purge, but... , and Edward Targett December 29, 2024
Cybersecurity Legacy SS7 protocol puts telco security in the spotlight , and Finbarr Toesland December 11, 2024
Cisco Chinese hackers targeting Cisco “features” (not bugs) warns NSA , and Edward Targett December 5, 2024
Sponsored Virgin Media O2’s Loyalty App Priority goes cloud native to handle surges in demand , and The Stack July 24, 2024
telco Nationwide Aussie telco outage cause "too technical" to explain: The answer may be in a (heavily redacted) Canadian report , and The Stack November 8, 2023
Enterprise IT Nokia earnings highlight the steady growth of the private wireless network , and The Stack April 20, 2023
Cybersecurity Aussie Cyber Minister blasts telco's "sophisticated" hack claims: "No. It wasn't" , and Edward Targett September 27, 2022
Featured BT’s energy efficiency obsession has its Networks division chasing flexibility , and Eliot Beer August 5, 2022
Cybersecurity Supplier hack had “scope to impact entire telco industry”: Vodafone , and Edward Targett June 27, 2022
Enterprise IT Supreme Court clears up Electronic Communications Code mess – in favour of telcos , and Eliot Beer June 22, 2022
Cloud Vodafone to migrate core systems to Oracle Cloud -- in its own DCs , and The Stack June 22, 2022
Enterprise IT Very gnawty: Beaver takes down a corner of Canada's internet. Over in Europe meanwhile... , and Edward Targett June 14, 2022